Home The Science of Service 改造房产、工作场所和客户体验的科学


建筑物和工作场所的意义远不止它们周围的墙壁. It’s the people within them that give them meaning, and that’s why at Mitie, 我们正在帮助我们的客户提供最好的客户和员工体验.

使用互联技术使工作场所具有高度的意识和适应性, 算法,以确定工作场所经验的优点和缺点, 并且深刻理解客户如何以及为什么体验或选择一个组织或品牌, 我们的专家团队将数据转化为见解,提供可以帮助您脱颖而出的体验.

There’s a science to keeping people safe, happy, and productive whatever their needs and preferences, 在Mitie,我们将创新和智慧结合起来,提供具有影响力的体验解决方案.


With an increase in hybrid working, 我们的客户希望优化其工作空间,以满足多样化和多代员工的需求, and attract the very best talent.

  • 350+ employees surveyed on workplace experience
  • Workspace transformed based on employee feedback
  • Client is empowered to attract and retain the best talent

到2025年,千禧一代*预计将占到劳动力的70%. More than any other generation, they seek equality, transparency, flexibility and purpose from the workplace, which will therefore need to evolve.

As hybrid working models increasingly becoming the norm, 企业正在创造更加灵活的工作场所. However, in many cases, 工作场所的变化没有参考可靠的数据,即同事们如何设想利用空间来提高他们的工作效率.

而千禧一代集体辞职的“大辞职”还没有发生, 毫无疑问,合适的工作场所对于吸引和留住年轻人才至关重要. 超过三分之一的千禧一代目前正在寻找新工作, 现在是关注他们需求的最重要时刻.

*People born between 1981 and 1996.

In the face of these challenges, 一个政府部门要求Mitie提供支持,以确保他们的工作空间在多个地点为其多代员工提供澳博官方网站. 最终,他们希望做出数据驱动的决定,以改善工作环境.

Mitie looks after 7.5m people across the UK daily; our knowledge of workplaces is unrivalled in FM. Mitie experts developed Sphere, our new Workplace Effectiveness Tool, 帮助客户分析和更好地理解构建用户以及他们如何与环境交互. Sphere收集和分析数据,以产生有关员工体验的见解, 包括工作场所对工作任务和活动的适应程度.

Sphere还帮助客户了解工作场所功能的重要性,以及它们在多大程度上支持员工的不同需求, 以及确定哪些改进将对生产力和幸福感产生积极影响,同时影响工作场所的战略目标.

Over 350 employees surveyed on workplace experience

Using inputs tailored to our client’s specific requirements, 他们的350多名员工在易于使用的Sphere应用程序上对工作体验的三个方面进行了评分, Sensory and Emotional.

结果数据向Mitie的工作场所设计专家展示了现有办公室是如何影响工作效率的, wellbeing and attitudes towards the work environment. Mitie随后确定并实施了全面改善员工体验的解决方案.

优先关注的领域包括安静的空间、更好的空气质量和休闲区. The outputs identified the following priority areas of focus:


  • Create quiet spaces
  • Develop spaces for formal and informal collaboration
  • 改善会议室/办公桌的可用性和预订功能


  • More flexibility of temperature
  • Improve both natural and artificial lighting
  • Provide better air quality and ventilation


  • Formalise hybrid working practices and ways of working
  • 实施非正式空间来连接,以及休息区
  • Improve access to gardens and outdoor spaces


Mitie已经确定并实施了改善工作场所体验的解决方案. For example, 数据显示,由于高噪音水平,许多员工难以集中注意力,导致办公室未充分利用的部分被重新利用. 这些都成为了同事们可以在更安静的环境中工作的重点领域.

As Sphere data can be analysed in a number of ways, 调查还强调了千禧一代和X一代员工在情绪上的差异,包括:

  • 100%的千禧一代都采用混合工作方式,每周在家工作三天.
  • Millennials scored all facilities lower than Gen X, 工作场所对你的激励更少,工作更不愉快.
  • Millennials scored tools and equipment lower than Gen X; typically they expected work equipment to outperform what they have at home.
  • 千禧一代对空气和光线质量的评分低于X一代,他们认为户外空间对个人健康更重要.

Using this data, 客户正在制定一个工作场所战略,优先考虑对千禧一代员工的吸引力和保留产生最大影响的变化. 在最初的解决方案实施后,Mitie将继续与客户合作,跟踪员工的体验, ensuring they remain fit for purpose.

**People born between 1965 and 1980

Creating colleague-centric spaces, which support different ways of working, encourages more individuals to visit the office more often, as well as helping to attract and retain the best talent.

Sphere is therefore giving our client…

  • Confidence to make data-driven decisions
  • Insight to inform investment
  • 测试假设和理解工作场所变化影响的灵活性
  • 根据不同群体对工作环境的反应来预测员工流失的能力

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