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Globally the built environment accounts for approximately 40% of total carbon emissions. That means facilities management plays a critical role in creating sustainable spaces and 地产 that also deliver social value for the surrounding community.

  • 目前为止的工作
  • 结果


The effects of climate change are evident and as organisations gear up for carbon reduction, there is pressing need for progress and delivery by customers, 公众, 投资者和员工都一样.

It’s time for a partner who can turn planning into action, and ambition into results. Together, we will make the difference and inspire positive change.

Illustrations of two grey and glass office buildings surrounded by green tree-tops and foliage. 一名男子站在上面,举着一块太阳能电池板. 一座灰色的山, 背景是白云和黄色的太阳, 三辆米蒂品牌的货车爬上了山坡